Lin, Nan MD, PhD; Vutskits, Laszlo MD, PhD; Bebawy, John F. MD; Gelb, Adrian W. MB, ChB
Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology: October 2019 – Volume 31 – Issue 4 – p 366–377
The α2-adrenergic receptor agonist dexmedetomidine has sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, and sympatholytic effects. The potential advantages of neuroprotection, minimal impact on neuronal function, stable hemodynamics, opioid and anesthesia sparing effects, and minimal respiratory depression during awake procedures render it an effective anesthetic adjuvant in various neurosurgical settings. However, both the benefits and drawbacks of the use dexmedetomidine in neuroanesthesia should be considered. This narrative review will summarize the applications of dexmedetomidine in various neurosurgical settings, highlighting evidence regarding both its common and controversial uses. Read More